African Best Organic Value Packing Kit Super
organics olive oil conditioning relaxer system formulated with extra virgin olive oil no lye super. Organics isthe first organic conditioning no-lye relaxer. This relaxer is a all-natural conditioner that moisturizers and strengthen hairthat is gentle to your skin and scalp during the hair treatment relaxing process. It helps to restore silky soft, healthy straight hair
Africa's Best Organics Kit Twin Pack Super: Africa's Best Organics Olive Oil Conditioning Relaxer System formulated with Extra Virgin Olive Oil No Lye Super. Organics is the first Organic Conditioning No-Lye Relaxer. This Relaxer is a all-natural conditioner that moisturizers and strengthen hair that is gentle to your skin and scalp during the hair treatment relaxing process. It helps to restore silky soft, healthy strait hair.
Africa's Best Organics Kit Twin Pack Regular: this system formulated with extra virgin olive oil no lye super. Organics is the first organic conditioning no-lye relaxer. This relaxer is a all-natural conditioner that moisturizers and strengthen hair that is gentle to your skin and scalp during the hair treatment relaxing process. It helps to restore silky soft, healthy strait hair.